About You

We are all subject to sacred life passages, like birth, puberty, first love. These moments challenge us to grow beyond who we were to become somebody new. Each marks a passage of time and an evolution of human life. Each is portal through which we pass leaving behind who we were to become who we are.

What was will never be again. There’s only new potential and what will be.

At some point, we all go through the ultimate life altering passage: Having the support beams that uphold our lives knocked down – work/livelihood, home, community, marriage/relationship - sometimes all at the same time. After years of creating, building, and sacrificing, you’re suddenly left with nothing but rubble to clear and to begin again.

These are crushing moments. The urge to give up presses strongly. Questions of “why bother?” take residence on the edge of every decision.

And yet, within those moments there lies an invitation. This is a sacred assignment and an opportunity for quantum evolution.

When all that you knew falls away who you actually are is given space to emerge. You are not your work, your job, your relationships, your home, what you wear, your car, your memberships, your neighborhood. You are not any of the trinkets we use to dress our lives.

You are a sovereign spirit having a human experience. You are an infinite spirit encased in a limited body. The physical form is subject to the laws like gravity, but your mind and spirit are limitless and capable of creating who you’re here to be, despite how things currently seem.

This is an opportunity for a total reinvention of who you are and the life you live. A life completely yours and in total alignment with who you’re here to be.

The assignment is one of the most challenging that a human can endure. It asks that you let go of the storylines, the expectations, and the momentum you once held onto - the very things that give us a sense of identity and safety. You may need to investigate and release things, relationships and situations that no longer fit the shape of who are becoming. You may be required to learn new skills and stretch more than you thought possible.

If you’re up for the assignment, welcome.

You’re in good company.

About Me

I know well the terrain of shock, denial, grief, anger, resistance, resignation and ultimately, surrender that accompany having life updended. I’ve traversed the path of rebuilding a life from scratch more than once. I’ve lived many lives. And learned many things along the way.

The Story

I hold a joint Masters degree in International Development and Gender Studies, and a BA in Political Science from fancy universities. At one point, I put all my attention and time into wanting to understand and give relief to what poisons the social, political, and financial structures of the human experience. I marched, debated, wrote and worked my tail off to create a more just, peaceful society.

Then, at a point of severe burnout, my ex bought me a 20 class pass to a yoga studio down the street. A light went on. What was intended as a means of stress release turned out to be a calling. Within a year I completed 450 hours of certified yoga training, taught all over New York City, and co-led teacher trainings for other aspiring yoga practitioners. I took up meditations and studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Earth based traditions and energy. I became a non-faith devotee to the spiritual path. I went on meditation retreats and continued to pursue personal development with a ravenous hunger that hasn’t yet abated.

Some years later, life collapsed. The sudden end of my marriage led to a loss of my home, community and work all in one season. Suddenly solo, I moved across country to Los Angeles and began again. That reinvention took 12 months if I’m being generous; 3 years if I’m being real.

But begin again I did. I intensified my spiritual practice and became a certified coach, launching my first business in coaching and teaching. A few years later life offered an opportunity in a different direction, so built a new business in the events industry.

Around the time when everything seemed to be locking into place and I had hit a stride, it all fell apart again. A pesky virus named Covid-19 shut down the world, including the events industry. A few weeks later toxic mold was found in my home. I shuttered the business, packed all my belongings and moved to a small town 5 hours north, which heralded in the end of a relationship.

It was shocking to be stripped down again. But this time, I knew what to expect. I surrendered to Spirit and the process. In doing that, I discovered that boucing back took only a few weeks.

I applied all the learning, tools and practices I had picked up along the way. I leaned on the support systems I had built. And I realized that I am called again to understand and to give relief. I am here to remind you that life, your life, is here to support you if you can let it.

What you can expect

I am here to help guide you along the path to reinvention but I do not decide what your path is. I am not here to fix you because you are not broken.

You may feel pain, confusion, anger, impatience, or exhaustion but this does not mean there is something wrong with you. I believe they are like the weather – a reaction and result of conditions within you. Despite the weather, your wisdom, intuition and direction are still bright within you – like the sun that is always present but sometimes not seen. I believe you already know where you are going, who you are becoming and what you need to do to get there.

I can tell you that there comes a time when, down on your knees amidst the ashes of what was, the call to be who you really are and what you’re designed to be is there, sweetly singing to you. It’s up to you to listen.

‘And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.' Anais Nin